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Cozy Files doctype


The io.cozy.files doctype is used for both the files and directories.


For a folder, its attributes are:

It also has a relationship with its parent in the JSON-API representation, and another called data with the files and directory inside it.


The attributes of a file are:

carbonCopy and electronicSafe both need specific permission to be added to a document.

It also has a relationship with its parent in the JSON-API representation.

For an image, there are 3 links to thumbnails: small, medium, and large. These thumbnail links are valid for 10 minutes. After that, links will return a 400 Bad Request response code.


When a file or a directory is put in the trash bin, some attributes are updated:

Here is how one could query files and directories not in the trash, through a mango query:

_id: { $ne: 'io.cozy.files.trash-dir' },
path: { $or: [{ $exists: false }, { $regex: '^(?!/.cozy_trash)' }] },
trashed: { $or: [{ $exists: false }, { $eq: false }] }


It’s possible to link a file or a folder to another document. It’s called a reference. It appears in the JSON-API representation as a refererenced_by relationship.


The io.cozy.files doctype has the standard cozyMetadata, but with some more fields:

Example (JSON-API format)

  "data": {
    "type": "io.cozy.files",
    "id": "9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b",
    "meta": {
      "rev": "3-0e6d5b72"
    "attributes": {
      "type": "file",
      "name": "sunset.jpg",
      "trashed": false,
      "md5sum": "ODZmYjI2OWQxOTBkMmM4NQo=",
      "created_at": "2018-01-02T20:38:04Z",
      "updated_at": "2019-06-12T12:38:04Z",
      "tags": [],
      "metadata": {
        "datetime": "2018-01-02T20:38:04Z",
        "height": 1080,
        "width": 1920,
        "icon": "<svg xmlns='' width='32' height='32'><g fill='none' fill-rule='evenodd' transform='translate(0 2)'><rect width='32' height='26' y='2' fill='#B2D3FF' rx='2'/><path fill='#197BFF' d='M0 1a1 1 0 011-1h12c.55 0 1.31.31 1.71.71l.58.58c.4.4 1.15.71 1.71.71h13a2 2 0 012 2H17c-.55 0-1.31.31-1.71.71l-.58.58c-.4.4-1.16.71-1.72.71H1.01A1 1 0 010 5V1z'/></g></svg>"
      "size": 12,
      "executable": false,
      "class": "image",
      "mime": "image/jpg",
      "cozyMetadata": {
        "doctypeVersion": 1,
        "metadataVersion": 1,
        "createdAt": "2019-06-11T01:02:03Z",
        "createdByApp": "flickr",
        "createdByAppVersion": "1.2.3",
        "createdOn": "https://alice.cozy.example",
        "updatedAt": "2019-06-12T12:40:06Z",
        "updatedByApps": [
            "slug": "flickr",
            "date": "2019-06-11T01:02:03Z",
            "version": "1.2.3",
            "instance": "https://alice.cozy.example"
            "slug": "cozy-desktop",
            "date": "2019-06-12T12:40:06Z",
            "version": "3.13.2",
            "instance": "https://alice.cozy.example"
        "uploadedAt": "2019-06-11T20:34:56Z",
        "uploadedOn": "https://alice.cozy.example",
        "uploadedBy": {
          "slug": "cozy-desktop",
          "version": "3.13.2",
          "oauthClient": {
            "id": "9aaa6886-8b69-11e9-8412-b7855fb3838f",
            "kind": "desktop",
            "name": "Cozy Drive - mac book pro d'Alice"
        "sourceAccount": "07b49550-8b60-11e9-bb7e-87717e829039",
        "sourceAccountIdentifier": "157ae784"
    "relationships": {
      "parent": {
        "links": {
          "related": "/files/fce1a6c0-dfc5-11e5-8d1a-1f854d4aaf81"
        "data": {
          "type": "io.cozy.files",
          "id": "fce1a6c0-dfc5-11e5-8d1a-1f854d4aaf81"
      "referenced_by": {
        "links": {
          "self": "/files/fce1a6c0-dfc5-11e5-8d1a-1f854d4aaf81/relationships/references"
        "data": [
            "type": "io.cozy.albums",
            "id": "94375086-e2e2-11e6-81b9-5bc0b9dd4aa4"
    "links": {
      "self": "/files/9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b",
      "small": "/files/9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b/thumbnails/0f9cda56674282ac/small",
      "medium": "/files/9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b/thumbnails/0f9cda56674282ac/medium",
      "large": "/files/9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b/thumbnails/0f9cda56674282ac/large"


Shortcuts (or hyperlinks) are a special type of files. They are served with the application/internet-shortcut mime-type, they have a .url extension, and respect the URL file format.

They can have metadata:

An object target

Example (JSON format)

  "_id": "629fb233be550a21174ac8e19f0043af",
  "_rev": "1-61c7804bdb4f9f8dae5a363cb9a30dd8",
  "type": "file",
  "name": "sunset.jpg.url",
  "dir_id": "629fb233be550a21174ac8e19f003e4a",
  "trashed": false,
  "md5sum": "vfEMDpJShs8QeIlsDmw9VA==",
  "created_at": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
  "tags": [],
  "metadata": {
    "sharing": {
      "status": "new"
    "target": {
      "cozyMetadata": {
        "instance": "https://alice.cozy.example/"
      "_type": "io.cozy.files",
      "mime": "image/jpg"
    "icon": "[encoded base64 string of the content of the icon or svg binary]",
  "size": 62,
  "executable": false,
  "class": "shortcut",
  "mime": "application/shortcut",
  "cozyMetadata": {
    "doctypeVersion": 1,
    "metadataVersion": 1,
    "createdAt": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
    "createdOn": "https://bob.cozy.example/",
    "updatedAt": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
    "uploadedAt": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
    "uploadedOn": "https://bob.cozy.example/"

Toutatice shortcuts

The Toutatice konnector creates specific shortcuts for applications on the Toutatice store. This metadata is used to organize the display in the Home and Store applications.

Generic data is stored in the target object with the following attributes:

Additional information is stored in the externalDataSource object to maintain the link with the Toutatice object:

Example (JSON format)

  "_id": "629fb233be550a21174ac8e19f0043af",
  "_rev": "1-61c7804bdb4f9f8dae5a363cb9a30dd8",
  "type": "file",
  "name": "École Directe.url",
  "dir_id": "90c6120de7cf25f9f87424e09fea4e13",
  "created_at": "2024-08-16T00:09:13.655513926Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-08-16T00:09:13.655513926Z",
  "md5sum": "BZcKfVhs0FWFJ9r7vxhJRg==",
  "mime": "application/internet-shortcut",
  "class": "shortcut",
  "trashed": false,
  "metadata": {
    "target": {
      "title": "École Directe",
      "description": "Application de vie scolaire",
      "category": "lien"
    "externalDataSource": {
      "networkAccess": "ALL",
      "source": "Arena",
      "hubMetadata": {
        "derniereSynchronisation": "2022-10-21T14:27:37.794654Z",
        "etat": "AFFECTEE",
        "favori": false,
        "idInterne": "4ebec71e-814e-4638-8b7e-7c5117599851",
        "premiereSynchronisation": "2022-10-21T07:27:21.375402Z"
  "cozyMetadata": {
    "doctypeVersion": 1,
    "metadataVersion": 1,
    "createdAt": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
    "createdByApp": "toutatice",
    "createdOn": "https://bob.cozy.example/",
    "updatedAt": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
    "updatedByApps": [
        "slug": "toutatice",
        "date": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
        "instance": "https://bob.cozy.example/"
    "uploadedAt": "2020-02-10T20:38:04Z",
    "uploadedBy": {
      "slug": "toutatice"
    "uploadedOn": "https://bob.cozy.example/"


The io.cozy.files.versions is used to track old versions of a file content, when files versioning is enabled. The attributes of a version are:

It also has the same cozyMetadata that a file (including the uploaded* fields), and a relationship to the versioned file.

Example (CouchDB format)

  "_id": "9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b/3-0e6d5b72",
  "_rev": "1-782839bf19cf4edbc29b82f77b28482f",
  "updated_at": "2019-06-12T12:38:04Z",
  "size": "12",
  "md5sum": "ODZmYjI2OWQxOTBkMmM4NQo=",
  "tags": [],
  "metadata": {
    "datetime": "2018-01-02T20:38:04Z",
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 1920
  "cozyMetadata": {
    "doctypeVersion": "1",
    "metadataVersion": 1,
    "createdAt": "2019-06-11T20:34:56Z",
    "createdOn": "https://alice.cozy.example",
    "updatedAt": "2019-06-11T20:34:56Z",
    "uploadedAt": "2019-06-11T20:34:56Z",
    "uploadedBy": {
      "slug": "drive"
    "uploadedOn": "https://alice.cozy.example"
  "relationships": {
    "file": {
      "data": {
        "_id": "9152d568-7e7c-11e6-a377-37cbfb190b4b",
        "_type": "io.cozy.files"


This doctype is used to store settings for files. It is currenly only used for the qualification migration service.


This doctype is used to store encryption keys for directories. The encryption keys are stored encrypted in the same way than bitwarden’s ciphers, and are used to encrypt/decrypt files’ binary inside the directory.