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This fixtures contains bank operations linked to files.

It will create a directory in your Cozy.

├── Free mobile
│   ├── Demo_cozy-freemobile_15082017.pdf
│   └── Demo_cozy-freemobile_15092017.pdf
├── MAIF
│   └── Demo_cozy-Appel_cotisation_MAIF_2017.pdf
└── Partagé par Geneviève
    └── Bouygues Telecom
        ├── Demo_cozy-Bouygues_Telecom_30072017.pdf
        └── Demo_cozy-Bouygues_Telecom_30082017.pdf


ACH import demo.json helpers/index.js

Other fixtures

The reference file is demo.json. Other files should follow it.

fixtures-l.json and fixtures-m.json are there if you want to test performance issue

There are also more focused files that can be used to test specific usecases. See: