Installing cozy-stack from sources¶
cozy-stack is developped in Go language so we need to install the Go compiler to be able to compile cozy-stack sources:
wget -O /tmp/go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzvf /tmp/go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin\"" | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/ > /dev/null source /etc/profile.d/
Test Go installation is fine with:
go version
This command should respond with something like
go version go1.21.3 linux/amd64
First, add a CouchDB user and password for cozy-stack (replace COUCH_ADMIN_PWD with your previously defined CouchdDB admin password)
read -p "Couchdb password for cozy user: " -r -s COUCH_PASS curl -X PUT -u "admin:COUCH_ADMIN_PWD" "http://localhost:5984/_node/couchdb@" --data "\"${COUCH_PASS}\""
Install requirements:
sudo apt install -y imagemagick ghostscript librsvg2-bin libprotobuf-c1 fonts-lato
Activate PDF thumbnail generation in ImageMagick
sudo sed -ie 's,^ \(<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />\)$, <!-- \1 -->,g' /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
Get the source code:
sudo apt install -y git sudo mkdir -p /opt/cozy-stack sudo chown ${USER}: /opt/cozy-stack git -C /opt/cozy-stack init git -C /opt/cozy-stack remote add origin git -C /opt/cozy-stack fetch git -C /opt/cozy-stack pull origin master
Then compile the program:
cd /opt/cozy-stack scripts/ release $(go env GOPATH)/bin/cozy-stack
The compilation generate a binary file under $GOPATH/bin/cozy-stack
You can test it with:
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/cozy-stack version
This command should respond with the compiled cozy-stack version, like
You then have to create a user to run cozy-stack:
sudo addgroup --quiet --system cozy sudo adduser --quiet --system --home /var/lib/cozy \ --no-create-home --shell /usr/sbin/nologin \ --ingroup cozy cozy-stack
And install it:
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 -T \ $(go env GOPATH)/bin/cozy-stack /usr/bin/cozy-stack sudo sh -c 'cozy-stack completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/cozy-stack' source /etc/bash_completion.d/cozy-stack sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 -d /etc/cozy sudo install -o root -g cozy -m 0750 -d /var/log/cozy sudo install -o cozy-stack -g cozy -m 750 -d /usr/share/cozy sudo install -o cozy-stack -g cozy -m 750 \ /opt/cozy-stack/scripts/ \ /usr/share/cozy/ sudo install -o cozy-stack -g cozy -m 750 -d /var/lib/cozy
And create configuration:
read -p "Cozy stack admin password: " -r -s COZY_PASS sudo sh -c "COZY_ADMIN_PASSPHRASE=\"${COZY_PASS}\" cozy-stack config passwd /etc/cozy/cozy-admin-passphrase" sudo chown cozy-stack:cozy /etc/cozy/cozy-admin-passphrase sudo cozy-stack config gen-keys /etc/cozy/vault sudo chown cozy-stack:cozy /etc/cozy/vault.enc /etc/cozy/vault.dec sudo chmod 0600 /etc/cozy/vault.enc /etc/cozy/vault.dec cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/cozy/cozy.yml >/dev/null host: port: 8080 admin: host: port: 6060 couchdb: url: http://cozy:${COUCH_PASS}@ fs: url: file:///var/lib/cozy vault: credentials_encryptor_key: /etc/cozy/vault.enc credentials_decryptor_key: /etc/cozy/vault.dec konnectors: cmd: /usr/share/cozy/ log: level: info syslog: true registries: default: - - - - EOF sudo chown cozy-stack:cozy /etc/cozy/cozy.yml sudo chmod 0640 /etc/cozy/cozy.yml
Finally, configure systemd to automatically launch cozy-stack on boot:
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /usr/lib/systemd/system/cozy-stack.service >/dev/null [Unit] Description=Cozy service Wants=couchdb.service couchdb.service [Service] User=cozy-stack Group=cozy WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/cozy/ PermissionsStartOnly=true ExecStart=/usr/bin/cozy-stack serve Restart=always [Install] EOF sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable cozy-stack sudo systemctl start cozy-stack
You can validate everything went well and cozy-stack is running thiw way:
curl http://localhost:8080/version
This command should give you cozy-stack installed version. For example: