An admin API is available on the stack. It offers several endpoints to interact with your cozy-stack installation (E.g. interacting with instances, generating tokens, …).
Use the admin API only if you know what you are doing. The admin API
provides a basic authentication, you must protect these endpoints as they
are very powerful.
The default port for the admin endpoints is 6060
. If you want to customize the parameters, please see the config file documentation page.
GET /instances¶
Returns the list of all instances. By default, there is no pagination, but it
is possible to add a page[limit]
parameter in the query-string to paginate (
cf JSON-API pagination). A page[skip]
parameter in
the query-string is also supported, but CouchDB may be slow on requests with a
skip on large collections.
GET /instances HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
{ "data": [ { "type": "instances", "id": "3af6ed68a6d9146b3529d2584a001d98", "attributes": { "domain": "alice.cozy.localhost:8080", "prefix": "cozy7d3d5947e7f3b0c674d1b8644646348e", "locale": "fr", "context": "dev", "onboarding_finished": true, "indexes_version": 30 }, "meta": { "rev": "1-32c855c989e8f6def0bc0cc417d8b3b4" }, "links": { "self": "/instances/3af6ed68a6d9146b3529d2584a001d98" } }, { "type": "instances", "id": "3af6ed68a6d9146b3529d2584a01d557", "attributes": { "domain": "bob.cozy.localhost:8080", "prefix": "cozybf682065ca3c7d64f2dafc6cc12fe702", "locale": "fr", "context": "dev", "onboarding_finished": true, "indexes_version": 30 }, "meta": { "rev": "1-ab6f77dbfdb3aab5b70b022e37fe231f" }, "links": { "self": "/instances/3af6ed68a6d9146b3529d2584a01d557" } } ], "meta": { "count": 2 } }
GET /instances/count¶
Returns the count of all instances.
GET /instances/count HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
GET /instances/:domain/last-activity¶
It returns an approximate date of when the instance was last used by their owner (automatic jobs like connectors don’t count). It looks at the sessions and OAuth tokens.
GET /instances/ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "last-activity": "2022-12-31" }
PATCH /instances/:domain¶
This route can be used to change an instance (email, locale, disk quota, ToS, etc.)
Note a special parameter FromCloudery=true
in the query string can be
used to tell the stack to not call the cloudery if the email or public name has
changed, since the change is already coming from the cloudery.
PATCH /instances/ HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "data": { "type": "instances", "id": "0dc76ad9b1cf3a979b916b3155001830", "attributes": { "domain": "", "prefix": "cozy1a4e1aabf424a194d7daf946d7b1337d", "locale": "fr", "context": "cozy", "onboarding_finished": true, "indexes_version": 31, "passphrase_hash": "c2NyeXB0JDMyNzY4JDgkMSQyYjMzMTU1YTY5OTdjYzM2ZjQyYjk1MWM0MWU4ZWVkYSRlODA4NTY2ODQ5OTdkOWNmNzc1ZGEzMjdlYWMwOTgyNTMwMTM3NTJjYTMxMTdhYTIyYTIxODI0NzBmODhjYjdl", "session_secret": "eyG2l+G1xO38WyD1GfqYkgSU/T4rnti+JzOwj6haHpM8PSMvzkGu/CSH0mpXUuuCNVbjEXc+hRwGMJ8lTKqs+w==", "oauth_secret": "tnr6V8jDK27CDVpzNiOOAJZs+5wrvGyNyJxIc/BJ6O87i2eJX4LCzblDFyDbVv/B7qV7HA9/Fc+Agon2gHQg8x0E0zzfGizbFeWt+KPk7UrZNd4sZJ81oWNNd9BrJ2+eKXDmZeYBI0AwUSykyr7iOIpB5jXaIvfOQvH7EYwtKLg=", "cli_secret": "dcLa1VqcoI4eNE7nBrFzhJ9w6rRLlAMESl3PAEqr+IDE29OeN3uyhzLhxPlk0b9rkc0yvozQc/AFttZxyqH/DDYa6rrJyrf91gddtwSfka1pJVss+/DiFaghyWJzEbffBs78X3swA2gSJNu0eGDKdFVY7q8iLT4JpfXy+GPzdLk=" }, "meta": { "rev": "1-1c4efe4196191469a65b2a3e0898db61" }, "links": { "self": "/instances/0dc76ad9b1cf3a979b916b3155001830" } } }
GET /instances/with-app-version/:slug/:version¶
Returns all the instances using slug/version pair
GET /instances/with-app-version/drive/1.0.0 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "instances": [ "alice.cozy.localhost", "bob.cozy.localhost", "zoe.cozy.localhost" ] }
POST /instances/:domain/magic_link¶
Creates a code that can be used in a magic link (if this feature is enabled on the Cozy).
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/magic_link HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "code": "YmU5NmEzMzAtYjZiYy0wMTNiLTE1YzUtMThjMDRkYWJhMzI2" }
POST /instances/:domain/session_code¶
Creates a session_code that can be used to login on the given instance.
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/session_code HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "session_code": "L7oJ6BDQtdbLR5Vr5vTxTXLJ1pQzMXcD" }
POST /instances/:domain/session_code/check¶
Checks that a session_code is valid for the given instance. Note that the session_code will be invalidated after that.
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/session_code/check HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json
{ "session_code": "L7oJ6BDQtdbLR5Vr5vTxTXLJ1pQzMXcD" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "valid": true }
POST /instances/:domain/email_verified_code¶
Creates an email_verified_code that can be used on the given instance to avoid the 2FA by email.
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/email_verified_code HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "email_verified_code": "jBPF5Kvpv1oztdaSgdA2315hVpAf6BCd" }
Note: if the two factor authentication by email is not enabled on this instance, it will return a 400 Bad Request error.
DELETE /instances/:domain/sessions¶
Delete the databases for io.cozy.sessions and io.cozy.sessions.logins.
DELETE /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/sessions HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
POST /instances/:domain/fixers/content-mismatch¶
Fixes the 64k (or multiple) content mismatch files of an instance
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/fixers/content-mismatch HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json
{ "dry_run": true }
The dry_run
(default to true
) body parameter tells if the request is a
dry-run or not.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "dry_run": true, "updated": [ { "filepath": "/file64.txt", "id": "3c79846513e81aee78ab30849d006550", "created_at": "2019-07-30 15:05:27.268876334 +0200 CEST", "updated_at": "2019-07-30 15:05:27.268876334 +0200 CEST" } ], "removed": [ { "filepath": "/.cozy_trash/file64.txt-corrupted", "id": "3c79846513e81aee78ab30849d001f98", "created_at": "2019-07-30 10:18:28.826400117 +0200 CEST", "updated_at": "2019-07-30 14:32:29.862882247 +0200 CEST" } ], "domain": "alice.cozy.localhost" }
POST /instances/:domain/fixers/password-defined¶
Fill the password_defined
field of the io.cozy.settings.instance if it was
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/fixers/password-defined HTTP/1.1
POST /instances/:domain/fixers/orphan-account¶
Delete the accounts which are not linked to a konnector
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/fixers/orphan-account HTTP/1.1
POST /instances/:domain/export¶
Starts an export for the given instance. The CouchDB documents will be saved in an intermediary archive while the files won’t be added until the data is actually downloaded.
The response contains the details of the scheduled export job.
Parameter | Description |
admin-req | Boolean indicating when the request is made by an admin and the user should not be notified |
The admin-req parameter is optional: by default, the instance’s owner will be
notified via e-mail, whether the export is successful or not. If it’s
successful, the e-mail will contain a link to the Settings app allowing the user
to download the data archives.
When this parameter is true
, no e-mails will be sent and the admin will be
able to get the export document via realtime events.
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/export?admin-req=true HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 Accepted Content-Type: application/json
{ "_id": "123123", "_rev": "1-58d2b368da0a1b336bcd18ced210a8a1", "domain": "alice.cozy.localhost", "prefix": "cozyfdd8fd8eb825ad98821b11871abf58c9", "worker": "export", "message": { "parts_size": 0, "max_age": 0, "contextual_domain": "alice.cozy.localhost", "admin_req": true }, "event": null, "state": "queued", "queued_at": "2023-02-01T11:50:59.286530525+01:00", "started_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "finished_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
GET /instances/:domain/exports/:export-id/data¶
This endpoint will return an archive containing the metadata and files of the user, as part of a multi-part response.
Only the first part of the archive contains the metadata.
Parameter | Description |
cursor | String reprentation of the export cursor to start the download from |
The cursor parameter is optional but any given cursor should be one of the
defined parts_cursors
in the export document.
To get all the parts, this endpoint must be called one time with no cursors, and
one time for each cursor in parts_cursors
GET /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/exports/123123/data?cursor=io.cozy.files%2Fa27b3bae83160774a74525de670d5d8e HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/zip Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="alice.cozy.localhost -"
POST /instances/:domain/notifications¶
This endpoint allows to send a notification via the notification center. Both the notification declaration and its properties need to be passed in the body. These notifications cannot use templates defined in cozy-stack though so their e-mail content must be provided directly (at least in HTML).
When the request is successful, the generated notification object is returned.
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/notifications HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer ... Content-Type: application/json
{ "notification": { "category": "account-balance", "category_id": "my-bank", "title": "Your account balance is not OK", "message": "Warning: we have detected a negative balance in your my-bank", "priority": "high", "state": "-1", "preferred_channels": ["mobile"], "content": "Hello,\r\nWe have detected a negative balance in your my-bank account.", "content_html": "<html>\r\n\t<body>\r\n\t<p>Hello,<br/>We have detected a negative balance in your my-bank account.</p>\r\n\t</body>\r\n\t</html>" }, "properties": { "description": "Alert the user when its account balance is negative", "collapsible": true, "multiple": true, "stateful": true, "default_priority": "high" } }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json
{ "_id": "c57a548c-7602-11e7-933b-6f27603d27da", "_rev": "1-1f2903f9a867", "source_id": "cozy/cli//account-balance/my-bank", "originator": "cli", "category": "account-balance", "category_id": "my-bank", "created_at": "2024-01-04T15:23:01.832Z", "last_sent": "2024-01-04T15:23:01.832Z", "title": "Your account balance is not OK", "message": "Warning: we have detected a negative balance in your my-bank", "priority": "high", "state": "-1", "content": "Hello,\r\nWe have detected a negative balance in your my-bank account.", "contentHTML": "<html>\r\n\t<body>\r\n\t<p>Hello,<br/>We have detected a negative balance in your my-bank account.</p>\r\n\t</body>\r\n\t</html>" }
GET /instances/contexts¶
This endpoint returns the list of the contexts, with their name, config, registries, office server, cloudery endpoints, and OIDC data.
GET /instances/contexts HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[ { "config": { "claudy_actions": [ "desktop", "mobile", "support" ], "debug": true, "features": [ { "foo": "bar" }, { "baz": [ "qux", "quux" ] } ], "help_link": "", "noreply_address": "noreply@cozy.beta", "noreply_name": "My Cozy Beta", "sharing_domain": "cozy.localhost" }, "context": "dev", "registries": [ "" ], "office": { "OnlyOfficeURL": "" }, "cloudery_endpoint": "", "oidc": { "allow_oauth_token": false, "authorize_url": "https://identity-prodiver/path/to/authorize", "client_id": "aClientID", "id_token_jwk_url": "https://identity-prodiver/path/to/jwk", "login_domain": "", "redirect_uri": "", "scope": "openid profile", "token_url": "https://identity-prodiver/path/to/token", "userinfo_instance_field": "cozy_number", "userinfo_instance_prefix": "name", "userinfo_instance_suffix": "", "userinfo_url": "https://identity-prodiver/path/to/userinfo" } } ]
GET /instances/contexts/:name¶
This endpoint returns the config of a given context.
GET /instances/contexts/dev HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "config": { "claudy_actions": [ "desktop", "mobile", "support" ], "debug": true, "features": [ { "foo": "bar" }, { "baz": [ "qux", "quux" ] } ], "help_link": "", "noreply_address": "noreply@cozy.beta", "noreply_name": "My Cozy Beta", "sharing_domain": "cozy.localhost" }, "context": "dev", "registries": [ "" ], "office": { "OnlyOfficeURL": "", "InboxSecret": "inbox_secret", "OutboxSecret": "outbox_secret" }, "cloudery_endpoint": "" }
GET /instances/:domain/fsck¶
This endpoint can be use to check the VFS of a given instance. It accepts three possible parameters in the query-string:
to check only the integrity of the data in CouchDBFilesConsistency
to check the consistency between CouchDB and SwiftFailFast
to abort on the first error.
It will returns a 200 OK
, except if the instance is not found where the code
will be 404 Not Found
(a 5xx
can also happen in case of server errors like
CouchDB not available). The format of the response will be one JSON per line,
and each JSON represents an error.
GET /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/fsck HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"type":"index_orphan_tree","dir_doc":{"type":"directory","_id":"34a61c6ceb38075fe971cc6a3263659f","_rev":"2-94ca3acfebf927cb231d125c57f85bd7","name":"Photos","dir_id":"45496c5c442dabecae87de3d73008ec4","created_at":"2020-12-15T18:23:21.498323965+01:00","updated_at":"2020-12-15T18:23:21.498323965+01:00","tags":[],"path":"/Photos","cozyMetadata":{"doctypeVersion":"1","metadataVersion":1,"createdAt":"2020-12-15T18:23:21.498327603+01:00","updatedAt":"2020-12-15T18:23:21.498327603+01:00","createdOn":"http://alice.cozy.localhost:8080/"},"size":"0","is_dir":true,"is_orphan":true,"has_cycle":false},"is_file":false,"is_version":false} {"type":"index_missing","file_doc":{"type":"file","name":"Photos","dir_id":"","created_at":"2020-12-15T18:23:21.527308795+01:00","updated_at":"2020-12-15T18:23:21.527308795+01:00","tags":null,"path":"/Photos","size":"4096","mime":"application/octet-stream","class":"files","executable":true,"is_dir":false,"is_orphan":false,"has_cycle":false},"is_file":true,"is_version":false}
POST /instances/:domain/checks/triggers¶
This endpoint will check if no trigger has been installed twice (or more).
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/checks/triggers HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
[ { "_id": "45496c5c442dabecae87de3d7300666f", "arguments": "io.cozy.files:CREATED,UPDATED,DELETED:image:class", "debounce": "", "other_id": "34a61c6ceb38075fe971cc6a3263895f", "trigger": "@event", "type": "duplicate", "worker": "thumbnail" } ]
POST /instances/:domain/checks/shared¶
This endpoint will check that the io.cozy.shared documents have a correct revision tree (no generation smaller for a children than its parent).
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/checks/shared HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
[ {"_id":"io.cozy.files/fd1706de234d17d1ac2fe560051a2aae","child_rev":"1-e19947b4f9bfb273bc8958ae932ae4c7","parent_rev":"2-4f82af35577dbc9b686dd447719e4835","type":"invalid_revs_suite"}, {"_id":"io.cozy.files/fd9bef5df406f5b150f302b8c5b3f5f0","child_rev":"7-05bb459e0ac5450c17df79ed1f13afa1","parent_rev":"8-07b4cafef3c2e74e698ee4a04d1874c2","type":"invalid_revs_suite"} ]
POST /instances/:domain/checks/sharings¶
This endpoint can be used to check the setup of sharings owned by a given instance and the consistency of the shared files and folders with their counterparts on the Cozy they’re shared with. It accepts one parameter in the query-string:
to skip the files and folders consistency check as it can be quite long
It will return a 200 OK
, except if the instance is not found where the code
will be 404 Not Found
(a 5xx
can also happen in case of server errors like
CouchDB not available). The format of the response will be a JSON array of
objects, each object representing an error.
Possible error types¶
This will be raised when the owner’s sharing rules are invalid.
The validation result will be returned in the error
This will be raised when the root of the sharing being checked is part of
another sharing (i.e. one of its parent folders is shared). The parent
sharing can be found either on the owner’s instance or on one of its members’
The parent_sharing
attribute will contain the parent sharing ID.
This will be raised if the shared files and folders associated with the sharing
could not be fetched on the owner’s instance.
The request error will be returned in the error
No further consistency checks will be run on this sharing.
This will be raised when the associated io.cozy.sharing
document cannot be
found on a sharing member’s instance.
The request error will be returned in the error
No further consistency checks will be run for this member.
This will be raised if a member’s sharing doesn’t have any sharing rule for
documents (while the owner’s sharing has been determined to be
of this type).
The member’s domain will be available in the member
No further consistency checks will be run for this member.
This will be raised if the shared files and folders associated with the sharing
could not be fetched on a member’s instance.
The request error will be returned in the error
attribute and the member’s
domain in the member
attribute. No further consistency checks will be run for
this member.
This will be raised if a file is outdated or missing on an instance and its size
is larger than the available space on this instance. If the file was created or
modified in the last 5 minutes, the check is skipped as we expect the
synchronization to happen later.
The instance’s domain will be available in the instance
This will be raised if a file or folder is outdated or missing on the owner’s
instance and the member being checked has only read-only access to the sharing.
This is not really an error as this behavior is expected but since it can be
confusing for users we log it for debugging purposes.
The member’s domain will be available in the member
This will be raised if a file or folder’s revisions don’t match on the owner’s
and member’s instances while the member has write access to the sharing and the
file size is not greater than the outdated instance’s available disk space. The
revisions generations can be the same too. If the document was modified in the
last 5 minutes, the check is skipped as we expect the synchronization to happen
The member’s domain will be available in the member
attribute, as well as the
revision of the member document in memberRev
and the complete owner document
in ownerDoc
This will be raised if a file or folder’s revisions match on the owner’s and
member’s instances but their names don’t.
The member’s domain will be available in the member
attribute, as well as the
name of the member document in memberName
and the complete owner document
in ownerDoc
This will be raised if a file’s revisions match on the owner’s and member’s
instances but their checksums don’t.
The member’s domain will be available in the member
attribute, as well as the
checksum of the member file in memberChecksum
and the complete owner document
in ownerDoc
This will be raised if a file or folder’s parent directories don’t match on the
owner’s and member’s instances but their names don’t. Since it is expected for
the sharing root to not have different parents on each instance, the check does
not apply to this document.
The member’s domain will be available in the member
attribute, as well as the
id of the member’s parent directory in memberParent
and the complete owner
document in ownerDoc
This will be raised if a file or directory is missing on the owner’s instance
while the member being check has write access to the sharing and the file size
is not greater than the instance’s available disk space. If the missing document
was created or modified in the last 5 minutes, the check is skipped as we expect
the synchronization to happen later.
The member’s domain will be available in the member
attribute and the complete
missing member document in memberDoc
This will be raised if a file or directory is missing on a member’s instance
while the file size is not greater than the instance’s available disk space. If
the missing document was created or modified in the last 5 minutes, the check is
skipped as we expect the synchronization to happen later.
The member’s domain will be available in the member
attribute and the complete
missing owner document in ownerDoc
Other error types include missing_trigger_on_active_sharing
, not_enough_members
, mail_not_sent
, invalid_instance_for_member
, missing_oauth_client
, missing_access_token
and missing_inbound_client_id
When checking for files and folders inconsistencies, sharings will be skipped
when inactive, not initialized, read-only or not about io.cozy.files
Also, for each instance, only the sharings owned by said instance will be
checked. Other sharings will be checked via their owner instance.
POST /instances/alice.cozy.localhost/checks/sharings HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
[ {"id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4433390","trigger":"track","trigger_id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4d75e41","type":"trigger_on_inactive_sharing"}, {"id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4433390","trigger":"replicate","trigger_id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4d75e41","type":"trigger_on_inactive_sharing"}, {"id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4433390","trigger":"upload","trigger_id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4d75e41","type":"trigger_on_inactive_sharing"}, {"id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4433390","member":0,"status":"revoked","type":"invalid_member_status"}, {"id":"314d69d7ebaed0a1870cca67f4433390","nb_members":0,"owner":false,"type":"invalid_number_of_credentials"} ]
GET /konnectors/maintenance¶
GET /konnectors/maintenance HTTP/1.1
A parameter Context
can be given on the query string to also includes the
konnectors that are in maintenance on the apps registry.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "meta": { "count": 1 }, "data": [ { "type": "io.cozy.konnectors.maintenance", "attributes": { "level": "stack", "maintenance_activated": true, "maintenance_options": { "flag_disallow_manual_exec": false, "flag_infra_maintenance": true, "flag_short_maintenance": true, "messages": { "fr": { "long_message": "Bla bla bla", "short_message": "Bla" } } }, "slug": "ameli", "type": "konnector" } } ] }
Note: level
can be stack
or registry
PUT /konnectors/maintenance/:slug¶
PUT /konnectors/maintenance/ameli HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
{ "data": { "attributes": { "flag_short_maintenance": true, "flag_disallow_manual_exec": false, "messages": { "fr": { "long_message": "Bla bla bla", "short_message": "Bla" }, "en": { "long_message": "Yadi yadi yada", "short_message": "Yada" } } } } }
Note: the flag_infra_maintenance
will always be set to true with this
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
DELETE /konnectors/maintenance/:slug¶
DELETE /konnectors/maintenance/ameli HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
POST /oidc/:context/:provider/code¶
This endpoint is used by the cloudery to create a delegated code, which will be
then used by the flagship app to obtain its access_token and refresh_token. The
parameter can be generic
or franceconnect
The cloudery sends its access_token for the OIDC provider, the stack can use it to make a request to the userinfo endpoint of the OIDC provider. With the response, the stack can create a delegated code associated to the sub.
POST /oidc/dev/franceconnect/code HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer ZmE2ZTFmN
{ "access_token": "ZmE2ZTFmN" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "delegated_code": "wMTNiLTNmZWItMThY", "sub": "DIzYWE2MjA", "email": "" }
OAuth clients¶
DELETE /oauth/:domain/clients¶
Delete all the OAuth clients for the given instance. It can be limited to a
specific kind of clients (desktop
, mobile
, sharing
, etc.) by using the
parameter of the query-string. It returns the number of clients that
have been deleted.
DELETE /oauth/cozy.example/clients HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{"count": 42}
GET /swift/layouts¶
Count swift layouts by type
GET /swift/layouts HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "total": 3, "unknown": { "counter": 0 }, "v1": { "counter": 1 }, "v2a": { "counter": 0 }, "v2b": { "counter": 0 }, "v3a": { "counter": 2 }, "v3b": { "counter": 4 } }
The show_domains=true
query parameter provides the domain names if needed
GET /swift/layouts?show_domains=true HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "total": 3, "unknown": { "counter": 0 }, "v1": { "counter": 1, "domains": [ "bob.cozy.localhost:8081" ] }, "v2a": { "counter": 0 }, "v2b": { "counter": 0 }, "v3a": { "counter": 2, "domains": [ "alice.cozy.localhost:8081", "ru.cozy.localhost:8081" ] }, "v3b": { "counter": 4, "domains": [ "foo.cozy.localhost:8081", "bar.cozy.localhost:8081", "baz.cozy.localhost:8081", "foobar.cozy.localhost:8081" ] } }
GET /swift/vfs/:object¶
Retrieves a Swift object
GET /swift/vfs/67a88b22520680b1fae840%2F9a8a0%2F18d02%2FiYbkfuCDEMaVoIXg HTTP/1.1 Host: alice.cozy.localhost
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain
PUT /swift/vfs/:object¶
Put an object in Swift
PUT /swift/vfs/67a88b22520680b1fae840%2F9a8a0%2F18d02%2FiYbkfuCDEMaVoIXg HTTP/1.1 Host: alice.cozy.localhost Content-Type: text/plain
"this is my content"
DELETE /swift/vfs/:object¶
Removes an object from Swift
DELETE /swift/vfs/67a88b22520680b1fae840%2F9a8a0%2F18d02%2FiYbkfuCDEMaVoIXg HTTP/1.1 Host: alice.cozy.localhost
GET /swift/vfs¶
List Swift objects of an instance
GET /swift/vfs HTTP/1.1 Host: alice.cozy.localhost
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
{ "objects_names": [ "67a88b22520680b1fae840/9a8a0/17264/AxfGhAiWVRhPufKK", "67a88b22520680b1fae840/9a8a0/18d02/iYbkfuCDEMaVoIXg", "thumbs/67a88b22520680b1fae840/9a8a0/17264-large", "thumbs/67a88b22520680b1fae840/9a8a0/17264-medium", "thumbs/67a88b22520680b1fae840/9a8a0/17264-small", "thumbs/67a88b22520680b1fae840/9a8a0/17264-tiny" ] }
GET /tools/pprof/heap¶
Return a sampling of memory allocations as pprof format.
GET /tools/pprof/heap HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK