Cozy-UI Styleguide

Cozy-UI Styleguide

5.1 Avatar

Display an avatar of a user or contact with initials or an image


Default styling



Extra small size variant



Small size variant



Large size variant



Extra large variant

<div class="c-avatar [modifier class]">
   <span class="c-avatar-initials">CD</span>
<div class="c-avatar [modifier class]">
   <img src="" class="c-avatar-image" alt="">

5.2 Chip

Display an chip that represents complex identity


Ada Lovelace
Developer Ada Lovelace
   <div class="c-chip">
       <svg class="u-mr-half" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
           <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>
   <div class="c-chip">
       <div class="c-avatar c-avatar--small u-mr-half">
           <img src="" class="c-avatar-image" alt="">
       Ada Lovelace
   <div class="c-chip">
       <span class="c-chip-separator"></span>
       Ada Lovelace
   <div class="c-chip c-chip--round">
       <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
           <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>

5.3.1 Label

Label element coupled with any other form elements like inputs, textareas, select,etc


Default styling


Error variant

       <label class="c-label [modifier class]" for="">Hello, I'm a label</label>


Default styling


Error variant


Tiny size variant


Medium size variant


Large size variant (default)


Full width variant

   <div class="u-mb-1">
       <input type="text" class="c-input-text [modifier class]" placeholder="I'm an input[type=text]" value="" />
   <div class="u-mb-1">
       <input type="password" class="c-input-text [modifier class]" placeholder="I'm an input[type=password]" value="" />
   <div class="u-mb-1">
       <input type="url" class="c-input-text [modifier class]" placeholder="I'm an input[type=url]" value="" />
   <div class="u-mb-1">
       <input type="email" class="c-input-text [modifier class]" placeholder="I'm an input[type=email]" value="" />


Default styling

Standard checkbox

Mixed checkbox


Error variant

Standard checkbox

Mixed checkbox

   <h3>Standard checkbox</h3>
       <label class="c-input-checkbox [modifier class]">
           <input type="checkbox" />
           <span>I'm a checkbox</span>
   <h3>Mixed checkbox</h3>
       <label class="c-input-checkbox [modifier class]" aria-checked="mixed">
           <input type="checkbox" />
           <span>I'm a checkbox</span>


Default styling


Error variant

       <label class="u-mb-half c-input-radio [modifier class]">
           <input type="radio" name="radio"/>
           <span>I'm a radio one</span>
       <label class="u-mb-half c-input-radio [modifier class]">
           <input type="radio" name="radio"/>
           <span>I'm a radio two</span>


Default styling


Error variant


Tiny size variant


Medium size variant


Full width variant

       <textarea class="c-textarea [modifier class]" placeholder="Once upon a time…"></textarea>


Default styling


Error variant


Tiny size variant


Medium size variant


Full width variant

       <select class="c-select [modifier class]">
           <option value="" disabled selected>Choose your option</option>
           <option value="1">Option 1</option>
           <option value="2">Option 2</option>
           <option value="3">Option 3</option>
           <option value="4">Option 4</option>

5.4 Navigation

Navigation component that displays a list of item link to other pages

<nav style="width: 220px">
    <ul class="c-nav">
        <li class="c-nav-item">
            <a class="c-nav-link is-active" href="#">
                <span class="c-nav-icon">
                    <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>
                <span class="c-nav-text">Link 1</span>
        <li class="c-nav-item">
            <a class="c-nav-link" href="#">
                <span class="c-nav-icon">
                    <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>
                <span class="c-nav-text">Link 2</span>
        <li class="c-nav-item">
            <a class="c-nav-link" href="#">
                <span class="c-nav-icon">
                    <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
                        <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>
                <span class="c-nav-text">Link 3</span>

5.5 Table

For a flexibility purpose, complex tables use <div> element instead of <table> but you still can use <table> for simpler tables, see table-legacy below.

By default, only .c-table-cell--primary has an ellipsis effect, but you can have it on any cell by applying the .c-table-ellipsis class.

NB: You should decide by yourself the sizes of the columns. In those examples we use the style tag but you definitely should use CSS classes.


Table with div element

Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam
   <h2>Table with div element</h2>
   <div class="c-table">
       <div class="c-table-head">
           <div class="c-table-row-head">
               <div class="c-table-header" style="width:50%">Header 1</div>
               <div class="c-table-header" style="width:25%">Header 2</div>
               <div class="c-table-header" style="width:25%">Header 3</div>
       <div class="c-table-body">
           <div class="c-table-row is-selected">
               <div class="c-table-cell c-table-cell--primary" style="width:50%">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>
               <div class="c-table-cell" style="width:25%">lorem</div>
               <div class="c-table-cell c-table-ellipsis" style="width:25%">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
           <div class="c-table-row">
               <div class="c-table-cell c-table-cell--primary" style="width:50%">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam</div>
               <div class="c-table-cell" style="width:25%">corporis</div>
               <div class="c-table-cell" style="width:25%">placeat</div>
           <div class="c-table-divider">Divider</div>
           <div class="c-table-row">
               <div class="c-table-cell c-table-cell--primary" style="width:50%">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam</div>
               <div class="c-table-cell" style="width:25%">corporis</div>
               <div class="c-table-cell" style="width:25%">placeat</div>

5.6 Table legacy

You also can use the <table> if you want although it could be tricky for complex tables.

List of utility classes for table

  • .is-selected on a <tr> to highlight an entire line
  • .c-table-divider on a <tr> to create a divider in your data table
  • .c-table-cell--primary on a <td> to bring out a cell
  • .c-table-ellipsis on a <td> to add an ellipsis effect without adding table-layout: fixed property to the table. In order for this to work you MUST have 2 <div> nested inside you <td>. See example

NB: Unlike the <div> table, the cell with .c-table-cell--primary does not have an ellipsis effect by default, if you want it must you add the .c-table-ellipsis class and the needed DOM.


Table with table element

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam
corporis placeat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam
corporis placeat
   <h2>Table with table element</h2>
   <table class="c-table">
               <th>Header 1</th>
               <th>Header 2</th>
               <th>Header 3</th>
           <tr class="is-selected">
               <td class="c-table-cell--primary">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</td>
               <td class="c-table-cell--primary c-table-ellipsis">
                       <div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam</div>
           <tr class="c-table-divider">
               <td colspan="3">Divider</td>
               <td class="c-table-cell--primary c-table-ellipsis">
                       <div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus voluptate officia culpa debitis, vero quia quae vel laboriosam</div>


Default styling


Basic alternative




Danger outlined


Highlighted button to catch the eye


Text only button

<div class="u-p-1">
    <button class="c-btn [modifier class]"><span>Click me, I'm a button!</span></button>
    <button class="c-btn c-btn--subtle [modifier class]"><span>Click me, I'm a button!</span></button>


Default styling


Tiny button (for Alerts mostly)


Small button


Large button

<div class="u-p-1">
    <button class="c-btn [modifier class]"><span>Click me</span></button>
    <button class="c-btn c-btn--subtle [modifier class]"><span>Click me</span></button>


Default styling


Narrow button (ignore button's min-width)


Full button

<div class="u-p-1">
    <button class="c-btn [modifier class]"><span>Click</span></button>
    <button class="c-btn c-btn--subtle [modifier class]"><span>Click</span></button>

5.7.3 Buttons with icons

Those buttons can inherit any flavour of buttons described above.

The SVG icon is filled with a color consistent with the theme of its button.


Default styling


Basic alternative




Danger outlined


Highlighted button to catch the eye

<div class="u-p-1">
   <button class="c-btn [modifier class]">
           <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
               <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>
           <span>Click me, I'm a button!</span>
   <button class="c-btn c-btn--subtle [modifier class]">
           <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
               <path d="M14,5c0,-1.656 -1.344,-3 -3,-3l-6,0c-1.656,0 -3,1.344 -3,3l0,6c0,1.656 1.344,3 3,3l6,0c1.656,0 3,-1.344 3,-3l0,-6Z"/>
           <span>Click me, I'm a button!</span>
<div class="u-p-1">
    <button class="c-btn-alert [modifier class] u-m-1"><span>Click me, I'm a button!</span></button>
    <a href="#" class="c-btn-alert [modifier class] u-m-1"><span>Click me, I'm a link!</span></a>
<div class="u-p-1" style="background-color: darkgrey; width: 50%;">
    <a hre="#" class="[modifier class] u-mb-1"><span>Click me, I'm a link!</span></a>