This is the collection of available breakpoint variables:
- 375pxBP-tiny
- 480pxBP-small
- 768pxBP-medium
- 1023pxBP-large
- 1200pxBP-extra-large
- 1439px
Also we have a standard breakpoints collection meant to be used as suffixes for some utility classes
If you want a utility class to trigger only at defined breakpoints you can use those:
- refers to tiny
breakpoint (max-width: 480px)-s
- refers to small
breakpoint (max-width: 768px)-m
- refers to medium
breakpoint (max-width: 1023px)You can use these mixins with no arguments and they will output
the desired a max-width
media-query. Use the direction argument
to set it to min
teeny-screen() Refers to (max-width: 375px) teeny-screen('min') Refers to (min-width: 376px)
tiny-screen() Refers to (max-width: 480px) tiny-screen('min') Refers to (min-width: 481px)
small-screen() Refers to (max-width: 768px) small-screen('min') Refers to (min-width: 769px)
medium-screen() Refers to (max-width: 1023px) medium-screen('min') Refers to (min-width: 1024px)
large-screen() Refers to (max-width: 1200px) large-screen('min') Refers to (min-width: 1201px)
extra-large-screen() Refers to (max-width: 1439px) extra-large-screen('min') Refers to (min-width: 1440px)
Refers to (min-width: 1024px)
Refers to (min-width: 543px) and (min-height: 375px) Triggers when the viewport has a width bigger than 543px AND a height bigger than 375px
Refers to (max-width: 543px), (max-height: 375px) Triggers when the viewport has a width smaller than 543px OR a height smaller than 375px
Refers to (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px)
Refers to small-screen() which is (max-width: 768px)
Refers to (min-width: 769px)
Refers to (min-width: 1024px)
Refers to medium-screen() which is (max-width: 1023px)
Colors used in the user interface.
ℹ️ In general, you are advised to use theme colors when building your components: this will ensure your components react correctly when changing the theme.
If you need to access an absolute color that is not semantic, you can use
import palette from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/palette'
<div style={{ backgroundColor: palette.melon }} />
Stylus: zircon
Stylus: dodgerBlue
Stylus: scienceBlue
Stylus: weirdGreen
Stylus: emerald
Stylus: malachite
Stylus: grey0
Stylus: grey50
Stylus: grey100
Stylus: grey200
Stylus: grey300
Stylus: grey400
Stylus: grey500
Stylus: grey600
Stylus: grey700
Stylus: grey800
Stylus: grey900
Stylus: greyA100
Stylus: greyA200
Stylus: greyA400
Stylus: greyA700
Stylus: white
Stylus: paleGrey
Stylus: silver
Stylus: coolGrey
Stylus: slateGrey
Stylus: charcoalGrey
Stylus: black
Stylus: mango
Stylus: chablis
Stylus: yourPink
Stylus: fuchsia
Stylus: pomegranate
Stylus: monza
There's only one font available, Lato, which is used on body, so basically everywhere. It's also available in bold.
This is basic text
And this is bold text
<p>This is basic text</p>
<p><strong>And this is bold text</strong></p>
Icons system management.
Use them by extending the placebolders like this @extend $icon-16
There are several preset squared sizes available. Sizes are set using rem unit and their equivalents in px matches if the default size of your page is 16px (which is the default size in Cozy-UI)
Some available options for icon elements.
Semantic colors suitable for theming. We encourage users of cozy-ui to use semantic colors instead of absolute colors to facilitate theming.
We try to use a naming schema that is close to what is use in Material-UI React's theming. It is possible that we have some discrepancies. If you see something that seems out of the ordinary and where you think we could reduce the difference with MUI, please do not hesitate to open an issue.
These colors use the alpha layer. Be careful to use the semantic variable. Hexadecimal colors are here only as an example on a white background.
Stylus: actionColorActive
Stylus: actionColorHover
Stylus: actionColorSelected
Stylus: actionColorDisabled
Stylus: actionColorDisabledBackground
Stylus: actionColorFocus
Stylus: actionColorGhost
Stylus: actionColorHoverGhost
Stylus: primaryBackgroundLight
Stylus: paperBackgroundColor
Stylus: defaultBackgroundColor
Stylus: contrastBackgroundColor
These colors use the alpha layer. Be careful to use the semantic variable. Hexadecimal colors are here only as an example on a white background.
Stylus: borderMainColor
Stylus: borderDisabledColor
Stylus: borderGhostColor
Stylus: borderGhostDisabledColor
These colors use the alpha layer. Be careful to use the semantic variable. Hexadecimal colors are here only as an example on a white background.
Stylus: dividerColor
Stylus: errorColorLightest
Stylus: errorColorLight
Stylus: errorColor
Stylus: errorColorDark
Stylus: errorBackground
Stylus: errorColorContrastText
Stylus: infoColorLight
Stylus: infoColor
Stylus: infoColorDark
Stylus: infoColorContrastText
Stylus: primaryColorLightest
Stylus: primaryColorLight
Stylus: primaryColor
Stylus: primaryColorDark
Stylus: primaryContrastTextColor
Stylus: secondaryColorLightest
Stylus: secondaryColorLight
Stylus: secondaryColor
Stylus: secondaryColorDark
Stylus: secondaryContrastTextColor
Stylus: successColorLight
Stylus: successColor
Stylus: successColorDark
Stylus: successColorContrastText
These colors use the alpha layer. Be careful to use the semantic variable. Hexadecimal colors are here only as an example on a white background.
Stylus: primaryTextColor
Stylus: secondaryTextColor
Stylus: disabledTextColor
Stylus: hintTextColor
Stylus: iconTextColor
Stylus: warningColorLight
Stylus: warningColor
Stylus: warningColorDark
Stylus: warningColorContrastText
List of every z-index related to components in order to keep a clean & maintainable order of indexes.
Those indexes are 10 based so you can deal with extra layers using $index + 1