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This page list all the currently available workers on the cozy-stack. It describes their input arguments object. See the jobs document to know more about the API context in which you can see how to use these arguments.

log worker

The log worker will just print in the log file the job sent to it. It can useful for debugging for example.

thumbnail worker

The thumbnail worker is used internally by the stack to generate thumbnails from the image files of a cozy instance.

konnector worker

The konnector worker is used to execute JS code that collects files and data from external providers, and put them in the Cozy. Its execution is detailed on the Konnector Worker specs.

Job arguments

To execute a konnector through a job, the expected arguments are the following:

"arguments": {
    "konnector": <konnector_slug>,
    "account": <account_id>

service worker

The service worker is used to process background jobs, generally to compute non-realtime user data.

"arguments": {
    "slug": <app slug>,
    "name": <service name>,
    "fields": <custom fields>

Job arguments

To execute a service through a job, the expected arguments are the following:

"arguments": {
    "name": <service_name>,
    "slug": <application_slug>

push worker

The push worker can be used to send push-notifications to a user’s device. The options are:

  • client_id: the ID of the oauth client to push a notification to.
  • title: the title of the notification
  • message: the content of the notification
  • data: key-value string map for additional metadata (optional)
  • priority: the notification priority: high or normal (optional)
  • topic: the topic identifier of the notification (optional)
  • sound: a sound associated with the notification (optional)


    "client_id": "abcdef123123123",
    "title": "My Notification",
    "message": "My notification content.",
    "priority": "high"


To use this worker from a client-side application, you should use the notifications API.

sms worker

The sms worker can be used to send SMS notifications to a user, via the notifications API.

The phone number used is the primary phone number registered in the contact that has the flag me: true (see contact doctype )

Note: If an error happens during the send of the sms (for instance no phone number on the cozy or SMS provider not available), the content will be send by email as fallback.

To use the sms worker, you need to configure your SMS provider: - first enable sms worker in your stack configuration - configure the notification configuration by setting your provider’s informations.

unzip worker

The unzip worker can take a zip archive from the VFS, and will unzip the files inside it to a directory of the VFS. The options are:

  • zip: the ID of the zip file
  • destination: the ID of the directory where the files will be unzipped.


    "zip": "8737b5d6-51b6-11e7-9194-bf5b64b3bc9e",
    "destination": "88750a84-51b6-11e7-ba90-4f0b1cb62b7b"


To use this worker from a client-side application, you will need to ask the permission. It is done by adding this to the manifest:

    "permissions": {
        "unzip-to-a-directory": {
            "description": "Required to unzip a file inside the cozy",
            "type": "",
            "verbs": ["POST"],
            "selector": "worker",
            "values": ["unzip"]

zip worker

The zip worker does pretty much the opposite of the unzip worker: it creates a zip archive from files in the VFS. The options are:

  • files: a map with the the files to zip (their path in the zip as key, their VFS identifier as value)
  • dir_id: the directory identifier where the zip archive will be put
  • filename: the name of the zip archive.

Note: it is possible to include only a page for a PDF file, by using an object with id and page instead of just the file identifier.


    "files": {
        "selection/one.pdf": "36abc4c0-90fe-11e9-b05b-1fa43ca781ef",
        "selection/two.pdf": "36eb54c8-90fe-11e9-aeca-03ddc3acf91c",
        "selection/three.pdf": "37284586-90fe-11e9-be6d-179f72076e43",
        "selection/four.pdf": "37655462-90fe-11e9-9059-8739e3746720",
        "selection/five.pdf": "379fedfc-90fe-11e9-849f-0bbe172eba5f",
        "selection/front.pdf": { "id": "49ca9e50-1074-013d-361a-18c04daba326", "page": 1 },
        "selection/back.pdf":  { "id": "49ca9e50-1074-013d-361a-18c04daba326", "page": 2 }
    "dir_id": "3657ce9c-90fe-11e9-b40b-33baf841bcb8",
    "filename": ""


To use this worker from a client-side application, you will need to ask the permission. It is done by adding this to the manifest:

    "permissions": {
        "create-a-zip-archive": {
            "description": "Required to create a zip archive inside the cozy",
            "type": "",
            "verbs": ["POST"],
            "selector": "worker",
            "values": ["zip"]

sendmail worker

The sendmail worker can be used to send mail from the stack. It implies that the stack has properly configured an access to an SMTP server. You can see an example of configuration in the cozy.example.yaml file at the root of this repository.

sendmail options fields are the following:

  • mode: string specifying the mode of the send:
    • noreply to send a notification mail to the user
    • pending to send a mail to the user to confirm their new email address
    • from to send a mail from the user
    • support to send both an email to the support and a confirmation to the user
    • campaign to send a non transactional email to the user via an SMTP server using the following configurations, in order of priority:
      1. campaign_mail.contexts.<context name> if defined
      2. campaign_mail otherwise
      3. mail as the final fallback
  • to: list of object {name, email} representing the addresses of the recipients. (should not be used in noreply mode)
  • subject: string specifying the subject of the mail
  • parts: list of part objects {type, body} listing representing the content parts of the
    • type string of the content type: either text/html or text/plain
    • body string of the actual body content of the part
  • attachments: list of objects {filename, content} that represent the files attached to the email, where the content is base64-encoded


// from mode sending mail from the user to a list of recipients
    "mode": "from",
    "to": [
        {"name": "John Doe 1", "email":"john1@doe"},
        {"name": "John Doe 2", "email":"john2@doe"}
    "subject": "Hey !",
    "parts": [
        {"type":"text/html", "body": "<h1>Hey !</h1>"},
        {"type":"text/plain", "body": "Hey !"}

// noreply mode, sending a notification mail to the user
    "mode": "noreply",
    "subject": "You've got a new file !",
    "parts": [
        {"type":"text/html", "body": "<h1>Hey !</h1>"},
        {"type":"text/plain", "body": "Hey !"}


To use this worker from a client-side application, you will need to ask the permission. It is done by adding this to the manifest:

    "permissions": {
        "mail-from-the-user": {
            "description": "Required to send mails from the user to his/her friends",
            "type": "",
            "verbs": ["POST"],
            "selector": "worker",
            "values": ["sendmail"]


The export worker can be used to generate allow the export of all data contained in the cozy. At the end of the export, a mail is sent to the user containing a link to access to its data.

The progress of the export process can be followed with realtime events on the doctype io.cozy.exports.

Its options are:

  • parts_size: the size in bytes of the sizes index splitting done for multi-part download of files data
  • max_age: the maximum age duration of the archive before it expires
  • with_doctypes: the list of exported doctypes (exports all doctypes if empty)


    "parts_size": 52428800,
    "max_age": 60000000000, // 1 minute
    "with_doctypes": ["io.cozy.accounts", "io.cozy.files"] // empty or null means all doctypes


The import worker can be used to import the data from an export. The instance will be reset before importing data to avoid complex logic of reconciliation. The instance is blocked during the import, and a mail is sent at the end of the import, when the instance can be accessed again.

Its options are:

  • manifest_url: the URL of the manifest for the exported data.


  "manifest_url": "http://cozy.localhost:8080/move/exports/QUFBQUFGLVg5b3c0WTJNNU9HRmpPR0V4WlRnd01XVTJZMlU0T0RjeE5UaGpNVEF3TWpKbVplblFfRWZWUVAtRGJXU0lnV2tIZ3NsVHN5dUR6V0ZIdVdSeERLb196X3A0"


To use this worker from a client-side application, you will need to ask the permission. It is done by adding this to the manifest:

    "permissions": {
        "mail-from-the-user": {
            "description": "Required to create a export of the user's data",
            "type": "",
            "verbs": ["POST"],
            "selector": "worker",
            "values": ["export"]

trash-files worker

This worker is used only by the stack: when the user asks to clean the trash, the stack will delete the files from CouchDB and put a job for this worker. The deletion of files in Swift is slow, and can be done via this worker asynchronously. The behavior is not the same for all the VFS:

  • afero: all the work is done during the HTTP request, no job is pushed
  • Swift layout v1: all the work is done during the HTTP request, no job is pushed
  • Swift layout v2: the files are deleted in CouchDB during the HTTP request, and they are deleted in Swift via the job
  • Swift layout v3: the files are deleted in CouchDB during the HTTP request, the file versions are deleted in CouchDB via the job, and the files and their versions are deleted in Swift via the job.

clean-old-trashed worker

This worker is used to automatically delete files and directories that are in the trash for too long. The threshold for deletion is configurable per context in the config file, via the fs.auto_clean_trashed_after parameter.

share workers

The stack have 4 workers to power the sharings (internal usage only):

  1. share-group, to add/remove members to a sharing
  2. share-track, to update the io.cozy.shared database
  3. share-replicate, to start a replicator for most documents
  4. share-upload, to upload files


When a contact is added to or removed from a group, the change should be reflected in the group’s sharings’ recipients. The message is composed of the contact ID, the list of groups added and the list of groups removed.


The message is composed of 3 fields: the sharing ID, the rule index, and the doctype. The event is similar to a realtime event: a verb, a document, and optionaly the old version of this document.

Share-replicate and share-upload

The message is composed of a sharing ID and a count of the number of errors (i.e. the number of times this job was retried).


This is another worker for the interal usage of the stack. It allows to write to the VFS a note in an asynchronous way. Writing to the VFS after each tiny change would kill the performance for realtime collaboration, so the stack writes the note to a cache, and has a trigger with debounce to persist the note to the VFS later.


This internal worker will delete unused OAuth clients. When an OAuth client is created, it has the pending flag set to true. When an access code is generated for a client, the flag is set to false. If 1 hour after the client has been created, the flag is still true, this worker will delete the client. It will help to clean unused clients which can be misleading for the user when the list of clients in settings is displayed.


The migrations worker can be used to migrate a cozy instance. Currently, it has a single option, type, with two supported values:

  • remove-unwanted-folders: remove the administrative and/or photos folders for contexts where init_administrative_folder or init_photos_folder is set to false
  • to-swift-v3: migrate a cozy instance that has files in swift from a V1 or V2 layout to a V3 layout
  • accounts-to-organization: create ciphers from accounts, re-encrypted with the organization key
  • notes-mime-type: update the notes mime-type to text/vnd.cozy.note+markdown to allow them to be listed in the cozy-notes application.


It can be launched from command-line with:

$ cozy-stack jobs run migrations --domain --json '{"type": "to-swift-v3"}'


This worker is used for sending data to a RAG. It looks at the changes feed for the given doctype, send the changes to an external indexer that will generate embeddings for the data and put them in a vector database.