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Cozy CoachCO2 settings doctype


This doctype stores information about CoachCO2 application settings. There is only one document.


  • account: {Object} - Current account displayed, copy of the associated io.cozy.account document
  • bikeGoal: {Object} - Informations about the bike goal feature
  • showAlert: {boolean} - Whether an alert is displayed requesting activation of the bike goal feature
  • showAlertSuccess: {boolean} - Whether an alert is displayed when the goal is reached
  • activated: {boolean} - Whether the feature is enabled
  • sendToDACC: {boolean} - Whether the user has agreed to share their data with the DACC
  • onboarded: {boolean} - Whether the user as completed the onboarding
  • onboardingStep: {number} - The actual onboard step of the user
  • firstname: {string} - The user’s firstname requested in the onboarding
  • lastname: {string} - The user’s lastname requested in the onboarding
  • daysToReach: {number} - The user’s goal days to reach requested in the onboarding
  • CO2Emission: {Object} - Informations about the CO2 Emission feature
  • showAlert: {boolean} - Whether an alert is displayed requesting activation of the DACC
  • sendToDACC: {boolean} - Whether the user has agreed to share their data with the DACC
  • hidePoiModal: {boolean} - Whether to display the POI modal when changing the purpose (except for the “Going to or from work” choice)
  • isAllAccountsSelected: {boolean} - If the “all sources” option is selected, in this case account is null