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Run Connectors With a Local cozy-stack

Running connectors to test them with a local cozy-stack gives a quick feedback loop but requires a little setup.


  • Have a local cozy-stack installed
  • Have NodeJS installed at the system level

Copy the default config file if not already done

Create a directory ~/.cozy and copy the default configuration file into it. Be careful, the file name and location matter, as explained in the config documentation.

cp cozy-stack/cozy.example.yaml ~/.cozy/cozy.yaml`

Edit the config file

Edit the file ~/.cozy/cozy.yaml and change the line after the konnectors: entry to have this:

cmd: /home/alice/.cozy/scripts/

Create the script to execute the service

Copy the file cozy-stack/scripts/ to ~/.cozy/

Then you need to chmod +x ~/.cozy/scripts/

Be sure to have node in your /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin folder. If not, you can add a symlink to node in one of those folder, for example by typing ln -s $(which node) /usr/local/bin/node

Get your service logs in a isolated file

Edit your ~/.cozy/ by adding a tee output.

set -o pipefail
node "${arg}" 2>&1 | tee -a ~/.cozy/services.log

Now you can tail -f ~/.cozy/services.log to watch logs in real time.

Avoid automatic relaunch when errored

Edit your ~/.cozy/cozy.yaml to avoid a second launch in case of error. (Already disable for LOGIN_FAILED and USER_ACTION_NEEDED)

Find this option, uncomment and set to 1.

      max_exec_count: 1

Install your konnector

To install the konnector containing the service on your local stack, you must give the path of your build:

cozy-stack konnector install <konnector_name> file://<build_path>
# Example:
# cozy-stack apps install ameli file:///home/alice/ameli/build

Each time you make modifications to your builded konnector, you must update the app on the stack to propagate the changes:

cozy-stack konnectors update <konnector_name>

Konnector is a service anyway

As a konnector is subtype of service in cozy, you can look at a more global documentation here: Develop a service