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Save data

In the previous sections, we have

We haven’t yet inserted the data in our Cozy since we have used the standalone mode. Here it comes ;)

Linking your connector to a cozy : dev mode

After several yarn standalone, your connector is able to automatically gather data from the targeted web service.
It’s time now to put this data in a real cozy.
Here comes the dev mode.

For that your connector needs more setup :

  • a manifest.konnector file
  • a COZY_URL section in konnector-dev-config.json

The manifest

Each connector is described by a manifest. This is a JSON file named manifest.konnector at the root of your code folder. It should include the following minimal information:

  "name": "konnector name",
  "type": "node",
  "slug": "konnectorslug",
  "description": "description",
  "source": "git://",
  "permissions": {
    "accounts": {
      "description": "Required to get the account's data",
      "type": "io.cozy.accounts",
      "verbs": ["GET"]

cozy-konnector-template already has a manifest which you can customize.

You may add some permissions for your own doctype. Here is the detailed list of fields for a connector manifest file.


If you want to put data from your connector to a real cozy, you must define where to find this cozy, and this must be a cozy for which you have the credentials.

Here is an example konnector-dev-config.json:

  "COZY_URL": "",
  "fields": {
    "login": "",
    "password": "daddyissues"

⚠️ It’s a common mistake to put a URL with the app, for example It won’t work, you must removed the -home part.

Run the dev mode

Then you just have to run:

yarn dev

For the first run, the CLI will open a tab in your browser asking you to grant permissions to the connector. The connector will then save data directly into your cozy. This will validate that your manifest has the needed permissions on the data you want to save.

Now that we have successfully scraped and saved our data, the next step is to build the connector and send it to Cozy store !