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Configuring cozy-stack to send mail

Sometimes, cozy-stack needs to send mail. For example, when you share documents to another cozy, the recipient of the sharing will be notified by email.

For cozy-stack to be able to send email, it must be configured to know how to join a mail transport agent to send email.

Mail transport agent (MTA)

First, you need a mail transport agent (SMTP server) for sending mail.

You can use either a local mail transport agent on the local server running cozy-stack, a remote mail transport agent on another server you manage or register for a mail sending service offering SMTP relay service.

In all cases, you will need the following information:

  • SMTP host
  • SMTP port
  • Encryption to use. Either plain SMTP (no encryption), STARTTLS over SMTP or SMTP over TLS/SSL
  • In case you need authentication, you will also need username and password
  • SMTP local name to use when talking to SMTP server (usually you server’s Fully qualified domain name)


When using a local mail transport agent, be sure that your hosting provider let your server send outgoing emails. This is usually disabled by your hosting provider by default and should be enabled to let email get out of your server. Refer to your hosting provider documentation on how to allow outgoing email.

Installing a local MTA

When installing a local Mail Transport Agent, we recommand using postfix. Other mail transport agent software are suitable too, but we will let you handle their configuration.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install postfix

When installing postfix, choose the following answers when asked for an outgoing only mail transport agent:

  • Configuration type: Internet site
  • System mail name: The Fully Qualified Domain name of your server

Then configure postfix to only listen incoming connexions from local server:

postconf inet_interfaces=loopback-only
postconf mydestination='$myhostname, localhost.localdomain, localhost'
systemctl restart postfix

Configuring cozy-stack

Mail sending configuration should ba added at the end of the /etc/cozy/cozy.yml.local configuration file. Its content depends on the encryption cozy-stack will use to talk to you mail transport agent. While encryption is not required when running cozy-stack and a local MTA on the same server, we recommend to encrypt communication between cozy-stack and a remote MTA.

Below are some examples of mail configuration for cozy-stack. Choose one, copy it at the end of the /etc/cozy/.cozy.yml.local file and adapt it to your needs

Local MTA on port 25 (SMTP), no encryption, no authentication

This is the default configuration when no mail configuration has been done starting from cozy-stack version 1.6.15

  host: localhost
  port: 25
  # No encryption
  disable_tls: true

Remote MTA on submission port using STARTTLS and authentication

  host: smtp.domain.example
  port: 587
  # Authentication
  username: myusername
  password: P@ssword
  # Use STARTTLS, not native TLS/SSL
  disable_tls: false
  use_ssl: false
  skip_certificate_validation: false
  # Hostname sent to the SMTP server with the HELO command
  local_name: myserver.domain.example

Remote MTA on submissions port using native TLS/SSL and authentication

  host: smtp.domain.example
  port: 465
  # Authentication
  username: myusername
  password: P@ssword
  # Use Native TLS/SSL
  disable_tls: false
  use_ssl: true
  skip_certificate_validation: false
  # Hostname sent to the SMTP server with the HELO command
  local_name: myserver.domain.example

Restarting cozy-stack to use new configuration

Don’t forget to restart cozy-stack after having modified cozy.yml.local

systemctl restart cozy-stack