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Cozy stack config passwd

cozy-stack config passwd

Generate an admin passphrase


cozy-stack config passwd generates a passphrase hash and save it to the specified file. If no file is specified, it is directly printed in standard output. This passphrase is the one used to authenticate accesses to the administration API.

The environment variable ‘COZY_ADMIN_PASSPHRASE’ can be used to pass the passphrase if needed.

cozy-stack config passwd <filepath> [flags]


$ cozy-stack config passwd ~/.cozy/cozy-admin-passphrase


  -h, --help   help for passwd

Options inherited from parent commands

      --admin-host string   administration server host (default "localhost")
      --admin-port int      administration server port (default 6060)
  -c, --config string       configuration file (default "$HOME/.cozy.yaml")
      --host string         server host (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int            server port (default 8080)