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Cozy stack features flags

cozy-stack features flags

Display and update the feature flags for an instance


cozy-stack feature flags displays the feature flags that are specific to an instance.

It can also take a list of flags to update.

If you give a null value, the flag will be removed.

cozy-stack features flags [flags]


$ cozy-stack feature flags --domain cozy.localhost:8080 '{"add_this_flag": true, "remove_this_flag": null}'


      --domain string   Specify the domain name of the instance
  -h, --help            help for flags

Options inherited from parent commands

      --admin-host string   administration server host (default "localhost")
      --admin-port int      administration server port (default 6060)
  -c, --config string       configuration file (default "$HOME/.cozy.yaml")
      --host string         server host (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int            server port (default 8080)