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Apps registry publication

Automate publication

The following tutorial explains how to connect your continuous integration based on Travis to automatically publish new versions on the apps registry.

In this tutorial, we assume:

  • you have a token allowing you to publish applications for your editor: AbCdEf
  • you are working on a repository plugged on travis and named on github cozy/cozy-example

You first need to add the token to your travis configuration file .travis.yml. To do so, you need the travis utility to encrypt its value.

$ travis encrypt REGISTRY_TOKEN=AbCdEf --add -r cozy/cozy-example
Please add the following to your .travis.yml file:

  secure: "jUAjkXNXfGIXyx2MKnnJ5HwCzhrQ29SaWBTmRpU6Rwi2XRieCnb2+MKZtjVcmEjfvJO38VjPozW2F4MYIxRXf9cD+ZRAEroZRcRSNHpoi/FJ6Ra767H7AbFDGpSSUSx7UDeZbSRNazCXJ55F/JaCq6F3XGeurrJbJ/tvMoIEvjg4qcOJpBgSxXEeyEnx5L3zbDoIqDo8hx9UtZoisiTC3TGq1CGFPe35VXnv/g23Uwg2Wux1drXXnMVghoVM8SDuoE9gf4LfppVHbYmowm25tylsvNKESbYiwJIkvPciPl2rABplJLJ4nuVpeWKHx1g+bChzlR5rhgXVJidua//yFD28xWS1+j+FhCGcYuPttYTntBVTiif0DVKS3gC1FFbf2ktgJVT7nYN2z0arhdPeK7Wtv8R+0SqlXUfBA/nam1pAS1xg2MTekVKxw+FmW0r6Ct4/Dta4d4XWsYiPMBrUOaCAqo+TkxBrVvM/LcM91ua33GKzMRLmKgbDY2k7lQpt3xA0Se02p4yiWcpN+3JzwVNRkuAQfw79ItJzhBP7ZTaQMwDByD/sN4ybhICWxTOLRh6kgfw+Xxv86aADvMVwfPcLljfk5Ot3kfLyaIyqrkIF9ePGSblt7RGzHiOECFr8qUtoGQAfekM+NmKzFSkeJU8t0EvHMen1NOsZhTemx9Q="

Like said, you need to add this block of ciphered data in the .travis.yml. This will allow you to use the REGISTRY_TOKEN variable in your deployment script.

Then you can adapt this script as your after_deploy or after_success script.

It contains environment variables that you can adapt as your need:

  • COZY_APP_VERSION: the version string of the deployed version
  • COZY_APP_PARAMETERS: an optional JSON object (string, object or array) that will parameterize the application on its execution.
  • COZY_BUILD_URL: the URL of the deployed tarball for your application
  • COZY_BUILD_BRANCH: the name of the build branch from which the script creates dev releases
set -e

# Environnment variables:
#   COZY_APP_VERSION: the version string of the deployed version
#   COZY_BUILD_URL: the URL of the deployed tarball for your application
#   COZY_BUILD_BRANCH: the name of the build branch from which the script
#                      creates dev releases


if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ]; then
    echo "No deployment: in pull-request"
    exit 0

if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" != "${COZY_BUILD_BRANCH}" ] && [ -z "${TRAVIS_TAG}" ]; then
    printf 'No deployment: not in %s branch nor tag (TRAVIS_BRANCH=%s TRAVIS_TAG=%s)\n' "${COZY_BUILD_BRANCH}" "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" "${TRAVIS_TAG}"
    exit 0

if ! jq <<< "${COZY_APP_PARAMETERS}" > /dev/null; then
  printf "Could not parse COZY_APP_PARAMETERS=%s as JSON\n" "${COZY_APP_PARAMETERS}"
  exit 1

if [ -z "${COZY_APP_VERSION}" ]; then
    if [ -n "${TRAVIS_TAG}" ]; then
        manfile=$(find "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}" \( -name "manifest.webapp" -o -name "manifest.konnector" \) | head -n1)
        COZY_APP_VERSION="$(jq -r '.version' < "${manfile}")-dev.${TRAVIS_COMMIT}"

if [ -z "${COZY_BUILD_URL}" ]; then
    if [ -n "${TRAVIS_TAG}" ]; then

shasum=$(curl -sSL --fail "${COZY_BUILD_URL}" | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1)

printf 'Publishing version "%s" from "%s" (%s)\n' "${COZY_APP_VERSION}" "${COZY_BUILD_URL}\n" "${shasum}"

curl -sS --fail -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Token ${REGISTRY_TOKEN}" \
    -d "{\"version\": \"${COZY_APP_VERSION}\", \"url\": \"${COZY_BUILD_URL}\", \"sha256\": \"${shasum}\", \"parameters\": ${COZY_APP_PARAMETERS}}" \

Access to our official apps registry

In order to access to our official repository, you need a token for a specific editor. To do so, concact us directly at the address with a mail using the following title prefix: [registry] and precising the name of the editor of your application.

We will provide you with the correct token.