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Cozy stack files exec

cozy-stack files exec

Execute the given command on the specified domain and leave


Execute a command on the VFS of the specified domain. Available commands:

mkdir <name>               Creates a directory with specified name
ls [-l] [-a] [-h] <name>   Prints the children of the specified directory
tree [-l] <name>           Prints the tree structure of the specified directory
attrs <name>               Prints the attributes of the specified file or directory
cat <name>                 Echo the file content in stdout
mv <from> <to>             Rename a file or directory
rm [-f] [-r] <name>        Move the file to trash, or delete it permanently with -f flag
restore <name>             Restore a file or directory from trash

Don't forget to put quotes around the command!
cozy-stack files exec [--domain domain] <command> [flags]


  -h, --help   help for exec

Options inherited from parent commands

      --admin-host string   administration server host (default "localhost")
      --admin-port int      administration server port (default 6060)
  -c, --config string       configuration file (default "$HOME/.cozy.yaml")
      --domain string       specify the domain name of the instance (default "cozy.localhost:8080")
      --host string         server host (default "localhost")
  -p, --port int            server port (default 8080)